Recipient of the National 2024 Excellence in Education Award.
Recipient of the National 2024 Excellence in Education Award.
Ap 26-27, 2025 Sat & Sun 9 am-4:15 pm
$325* 13 CE credits
*for registration & $50 deposit 30 days prior to class; $350 thereafter
Also Nov 1-2, 2025
Integrate reflexology into your massage or other healthcare practice with techniques and reflexes for feet, hands & outer ears that relate to every part of the body.
No reflexology experience needed, but for those with a basic intro, this class will take you to a new level.
What previous attendees said about this class:
"Worth every dime" "the teacher is amazing"
"Jam-packed with useful information"
"A wonderful experience"
"Best class in my 18 years massaging"
"A great class....take it"
This 2-day workshop provides 14 ARCB & NCBTMB CEs and is comprised of the following segments: 1. A No-Mind Approach to Wellness (principles for releasing negative thought patterns, judgments, and diagnoses in sessions);
2. How to provide a compassionate intake process with clients to support and sustain healthful and safe environments; 3. Anatomy and physiology for specific brain structures that are affected by trauma and addiction; 4. Self-inquiry and reflection for practitioner perspective shifting; and 5. 'Reflexology Guides' (intuitive techniques and subtle rotations that enable client relaxation & support).
Early Bird pre-4\25: $325*/$375; After 4/25: $375*/$425 *$50 discount for
membership in a state association.
Open to all levels; Space is limited.
Registration Link:
Stefanie Sabounchian will be back for a 20-credit (ARCB & NCBTMB) Integrated Foot Hand & Ear for Musculoskeletal Pain & Motion class.
From Stefanie's website:
"Discover Priority Reflexing
If you had to pick just one, for pain relief, for each musculoskeletal part of the body, which is best (top priority), the reflexes in the feet, or hands, or ears? It’s not always the feet. For some parts the feet are best, for others parts the hands are best, and for others parts the ears are absolutely amazing."
Pre-requisite: Foot reflexology class(es) and a hand and ear class with Stefanie or enough familiarity with each.
$430 1 mo. advance; $460 after serve your space early. Max 20 students.
Might a single reflex help PTSD & Long Covid?
Sept 14, 15 & 17,18,19, 2026
An elegant, powerful, and yet gentle approach to musculoskeletal balancing. You can visit Christian's website for more details about this thorough and unique technique for working the musculoskeletal system in detail -- "...everything from e.g. locked sacroiliac joint, various lumbar disorders, facet joint p
Sept 14, 15 & 17,18,19, 2026
An elegant, powerful, and yet gentle approach to musculoskeletal balancing. You can visit Christian's website for more details about this thorough and unique technique for working the musculoskeletal system in detail -- "...everything from e.g. locked sacroiliac joint, various lumbar disorders, facet joint problems, shoulder problems, neck, jaw and bite etc..." Christian's book can be purchased here. Muscle and bone charts available at discounted rates during class.
NOTE: this is a 5-day class with 1-day between segments to give students time to integrate the work of the 1st 2 days.
14 student maximum $1,050. early bird; $1,200 Regular Tacoma location TBA. 40 ARCB credits
Sunday, Sept 13, 2026 9-5 8 CEUs
Created for LMT's by Reflexologist/LMT/Acupuncturist Christian Slot of Denmark.
For LMT's who aren't certified reflexologists, Christian has adapted his 5-day Muscular Reflexology Technique so that LMT's can effectively work the hard-to-reach, hard-to-work muscles like the deep hip rotators via the refl
Sunday, Sept 13, 2026 9-5 8 CEUs
Created for LMT's by Reflexologist/LMT/Acupuncturist Christian Slot of Denmark.
For LMT's who aren't certified reflexologists, Christian has adapted his 5-day Muscular Reflexology Technique so that LMT's can effectively work the hard-to-reach, hard-to-work muscles like the deep hip rotators via the reflex areas on clients' feet.
This is Christian's first time teaching in the US. His classes in Europe tend to fill quickly, so best to reserve your space early.
$220 for registrations & $75 non-refundable deposits one month in advance; $250 thereafter
Maximum of 14 students.
Reflexology Academy NW (RANW) in Tacoma WA is just 18 miles from SeaTac airport; 10 minutes off the north/south I-5 highway; 1 mile off the East/West Hwy 512., and just 5 mi from the Amtrak & Sounder train stations.
It's a relatively short drive to the magnificent, glacier-laden Mt, Tahoma (otherwise known as Mt. Rainier) -- the most glaci
Reflexology Academy NW (RANW) in Tacoma WA is just 18 miles from SeaTac airport; 10 minutes off the north/south I-5 highway; 1 mile off the East/West Hwy 512., and just 5 mi from the Amtrak & Sounder train stations.
It's a relatively short drive to the magnificent, glacier-laden Mt, Tahoma (otherwise known as Mt. Rainier) -- the most glaciated mountain in the continental US.. Even easy day hikes provide breath-taking views of the mountain, its waterfalls, and its wildflowers & other flora. (The Pacific Crest Trail is also nearby.)
Kayaking is also available year-round, and skiing in Winter.
Spring through October typically brings sun and moderate temperatures. Even in the winter our Pacific NW skies can be bright. Umbrella use is rare.
More CE classes below.
For those coming from out of state, there are airbnb accmmodations fairly close to the classes.
For larger classes held at Alexandar Massage School on 40th St. & Pacific Avenue in Tacoma -- a
graduate of my Program has a nearby furnished home available on Airbnb (2 BR). Contact
For classes at Reflexology
For those coming from out of state, there are airbnb accmmodations fairly close to the classes.
For larger classes held at Alexandar Massage School on 40th St. & Pacific Avenue in Tacoma -- a
graduate of my Program has a nearby furnished home available on Airbnb (2 BR). Contact
For classes at Reflexology Academy NW, there's a 4 BR Airbnb house close by at 8829 So. Yakima Avenue . You can check more in Midland. If you are driving to the class, you can check Tacoma, University Place Puyallup, Ruston, and the Proctor District (all 20 mins).
More CE classes below.
A 4 CE credit class that actually lends itself quite well to being given online.
I presented on this subject at the RAC (Reflexology Association of Canada) Conference on May 5th and gave a 3+1/2 class post-conference workshop on the subject.
In short, I cover
the most common foot maladies and things we and our clients can do to remedy/avoid
A 4 CE credit class that actually lends itself quite well to being given online.
I presented on this subject at the RAC (Reflexology Association of Canada) Conference on May 5th and gave a 3+1/2 class post-conference workshop on the subject.
In short, I cover
the most common foot maladies and things we and our clients can do to remedy/avoid them.
A robust resource sheet will be included for all post-conference class attendees.
More CE classes below.
Hone you skills while learning new techniques and exploring reflex locations that differ from those on the basic map(s).
1 day $160 early bird; $175 thereafter
Date TBD based on schedule of other 2024/2025 classes as well as expressed interest/availability of reflexologists. Do let me know if this class topic appeals.
Pre-requisite: Foot
Hone you skills while learning new techniques and exploring reflex locations that differ from those on the basic map(s).
1 day $160 early bird; $175 thereafter
Date TBD based on schedule of other 2024/2025 classes as well as expressed interest/availability of reflexologists. Do let me know if this class topic appeals.
Pre-requisite: Foot reflexology classes and a good working knowledge of basic Ingham map
AND...I'm happy to consider your recommendations/requests for additional CE classes.
Let me know your interests!
253 576-9541
For those who'd like to teach -- but not a whole Program. Learn to teach just hands-on.
Then you can be a Hands-On Instructor to teach in your area where there's no reflexology school. This is a brand new model of teaching called the Interstate Teaching Collaborative. Didactic coursework required for ARCB certification will be taught on
For those who'd like to teach -- but not a whole Program. Learn to teach just hands-on.
Then you can be a Hands-On Instructor to teach in your area where there's no reflexology school. This is a brand new model of teaching called the Interstate Teaching Collaborative. Didactic coursework required for ARCB certification will be taught online along with students enrolled in a Program. The Hands-On Instructors (YOU!) will teach just the hands-on ARCB requirements
As a Hands-On Instructor, you decide your training schedule, what you’ll charge the student(s), and whether your instruction will be all ''classroom" or part or all apprenticeship where your hands-on instruction might mean students join some of your client sessions. Maybe you approach a local massage school to teach an intro class to drum up interest in Reflexology Certification!
12 ARCB CE credits $325
Next class TBD 9 am -2:30 pm
$125 to register 1 mo in advance
No anatomy & physiology required.
This is an introduction to reflexology for the general public.
We'll learn the basics of hand reflexology with basic techniques that anyone can apply to help bring comfort to friends & family -- and yourself. A brief intro to ear reflexolo
Next class TBD 9 am -2:30 pm
$125 to register 1 mo in advance
No anatomy & physiology required.
This is an introduction to reflexology for the general public.
We'll learn the basics of hand reflexology with basic techniques that anyone can apply to help bring comfort to friends & family -- and yourself. A brief intro to ear reflexology if time permits.
What previous attendees said about a similar intro-for-non-bodyworkers class:
"It was a lot of fun....and I learned a lot."
"Linda's teaching style was top-notch."
"We learned enough [to] practice."
"...deep insight from a very tenured and experienced reflexologist."
"Best class I've ever taken."
Like all classes at the Academy, there's a maximum of six participants so everyone gets individual attention.
CALL Linda @ 253 576-9541
to register